Onion.Medicinal properties and health effects of onions
Wide-ranging claims have been made for the effectiveness of onions against conditions ranging from the common cold to heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other diseases. They contain chemical compounds believed to have anti-inflammatory, anticholesterol, anticancer, and antioxidant properties, such as quercetin. Preliminary studies have shown increased consumption of onions reduces the risk of head and neck cancers. Among all varieties, Asian white onions have the most eye irritating chemical reaction. In India some sects do not eat onions as they believe them to be an aphrodisiac;various schools of Buddhism also advise against eating onions and other vegetables of the Allium family. In many parts of the undeveloped world, onions are used to heal blisters and boils. A traditional Maltese remedy for sea urchin wounds is to tie half a baked onion to the afflicted area overnight. A similar traditional cure is known in Bulgaria. Half-baked onion ...