Abdullah Shah Ghazi (Arabic: عبد الله شاه غازى‎ ) is considered to be patron saint of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. He is widely revered in Pakistan. His tomb is also a revered Sindhi shrine especially for the Bawarij Sindhi Muslims and the Samma tribe.

The Mausoleum and Dargah of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is located in Clifton neighbourhood of Saddar Town in Karachi. The Shrine of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Karachi

 The Shrine of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Karachi sindh pakistan


There are two versions about Abdullah Shah Ghazi.

The first version states that Abdullah Shah Ghazi was Syed Abu Muhammad Abdullah Al Ishtar from the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad from the linage of Hasan Ibne Ali Ibne Abu TalibAccording to historian Suhail Zaheer Lari, he was the son of Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya. He was born in Medina in the year 720 and arrived in Sindh in the year 760 as a merchant and brought with him a large number of horses purchased from Kufa, Iraq. He was given a warm welcome as he belonged to a saadat family, the noblest in Islam.

The second version has been given by, Dr. Umar Bin Muhammad Daudpota proposes that the real name of Abdullah Shah was General Abdulla bin Nabhan. Who along with another senior commander, Badil bin Tuhafa, had launched a military expedition against the local ruler, Raja Dahir. The assault was a response to the activities of Raja Dahir, who was seen as encouraging pirates to raid Arab shipping. The war is generally attributed to being triggered by a noble woman who wrote to the then Governor of Basra, Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, that she had been kidnapped. Al Hajjaj then wrote a letter to the Raja Dahir who replied that he did not exercise any control over pirates in his kingdom thereby triggering a military expedition that ensued at Debal, near modern day Karachi. Later, a second mission was entrusted to a young commander, Muhammad bin Qasim who successfully defeated the Raja and rescued the noble woman and the other muslim prisoners. This version is at odds with first, as it paints a picture of an Ummayad prince. Ummayyads persecuted the progeny of prophet Muhammad particularly the families of the imams in whom was vested religious authority which challenged the former's role as Kahalifas (Caliphs).

While Muhammad bin Qasim pressed on to topple the Raja and conquer, Abdullah Shah continued to live and preach Islam in Sindh. Beside preaching, Abdullah Shah was very fond of hunting. In old times, Sindh had plenty of wildlife like ibex, urial, blue bull, gazelle and deer. In his passion for hunting, Abdullah used to go far from the base and while he had was far enough away he was intercepted by the enemy. Out-numbered, he preferred to fight rather than submitting and it is because of this display of valor he was given the title of "Ghazi" meaning "victorious".

He died in the year 773 near the sea while dressed in war attire. He was buried at the present place, atop a hill in Karachi.

In December each year, a great festival is held at the shrine for 3 days marking the anniversary of Abdullah where Muslims from all factions come in large number. The festival is enjoyed even by some non-Muslim as the saint is revered by all for preaching love, tolerance and politeness.

Abdullah Shah Ghazi's shrine in Karachi is dated back to 1400 years ago, his brother, Syed Misry Shah, who is also buried along the coastline in Karachi, is also remembered as a saint.

Inside the shrine of the Abdullah Shah Ghazi, patron saint of Karachi

Many people claim to have been granted their wishes at the shrine and it is the centre for people who throng the shrine all year round. Every year marks the Urs (festival) at the shrine for 3 days (dates: 20-22 Dhu al-Hijjah - 12th month of the Islamic calendar), marking the anniversary of Abdullah Shah Ghazi. A famous myth about the mazar is that Karachi never had a tropical disaster in a thousand year because of the shrine's blessing.


HAZRAT ABDULLAH SHAH GHAZI ( RAHMATULLAH ALLAIH ) is one of the Greatest and Famous Sufi saint. Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA). Belongs to the 4th generation of Hazrat Amir ul Momineen Hazrat Ali Karam Allahu Wajhu. Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA) migrated from Arab to Karachi area and took wisal here.

A VERY FAMOUS AND GREAT MIRACLE AT DARGAH SHAREEF'S WELL : The Dargah Shareef of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA) is adjacent to sea ( Arbia sea ). The sea water and water of other wells in this area are salty. But the water in Dargah shareef of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA) is very sweet, which is a great miracle and many people say the holy water of
this dargah shareef is a great tabaruk and many people get cure by drinking this water.

It is places of Auliyas ( Great friends of Allah ) where you will find Such Miracles. Below is list of Other Dargah Shareefs where you will find such karmats of Water.

Well at Dargah of Hazrat Daata Ganj Baksh Ali Hajveri (RA), Lahore.

Sweet Water Well at Dargah Hazrat Syed Shareef-ul-Madani ( Qad das Allahu Sirra ul Azeez ) , Ullal Shareef in Karnataka ( where you will find arbian sea adjacent to dargah shareef ) and 10 Lakhs people witnessed the miracle of this well during the urs e shareef when there was shortage of water in the entire ullal. Also there are also many other great miracles of this great Tabayee Hazrat Syed Shareef-ul-Madni ( Qaddas allahu sirra ul azeez ) who came from Madina


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