Mukesh Ambani

 Interview with Mukesh Ambani, the third richest man in the world.

  In this interview he had interesting things to say, some of the important things are mentioned below.

  1: No one can be prosperous in the world who has a job.

  2: Economic life of man begins when he starts his work.


 3: Success and progress have nothing to do with education.

  4: If money could be made through education, every professor in the world would be a billionaire today.

  5: Currently there are nine hundred and fifty billionaires in the world.  They do not include any professors or academics.


 6: The world has always developed middle class people, these people understand the value and value of time, these people start business during their student period instead of getting degrees.

  7: Success comes to them from factory or market rather than college or university.


 8: I have never been to college or university in my life.

  9: At present 30,000 highly educated men and women work in my company, these educated people are much better than me in terms of weight, intellect and brain, but they don't have the courage to quit their jobs. They are on their own.  Do not depend.  Because they don't believe in themselves


 10: If a man can do it for me, he can do it for himself.  He just needs a little encouragement.

  11: There is a substitute for everything in the world except labor.

  12: There is no refuge in the world for the destitute, but the whole world is open to those who work.



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